Beam Dynamics, Inc.

Ordering FAQs
How does one place an order?
Beam Dynamics, Inc. accepts orders via telephone or email. Click here for our contact information or email at
What lead time should I plan on?
We typically process orders within one-three business days of order receipt for stock skimmers. U.S. shipping is via FedEx 2nd Day, which delivers in two business days. International shipping is via FedEx International Economy (if available), which takes approximately 5-10 calendar days to Europe or Asia. Please note that customs clearance can add substantially to delivery time.
Rush orders can be shipped using FedEx Priority at an additional charge (i.e., the differential in FedEx charges.)
Custom skimmers usually take six to ten weeks to ship. Additional information can be found in the Skimmers section.
Does Beam supply an order confirmation?
We do not confirm receipt of an order routinely but will gladly do so upon request. We would confirm orders via email. We do confirm shipping particulars once an order is complete.
Does Beam supply formal quotations?
Yes, we supply quotations upon request. Please specify which models, quantity, material and orifice size(s) with your inquiry.
Does Beam supply Pro Forma invoices?
Yes, we are able to provide one upon request. All invoices are emailed when orders are shipped.
My Company/University/Agency requires certain information in order to enter Beam as a vendor so a purchase order can be generated.
This is not a problem. Just email the forms and or other requirements to us; we will fill them out and email them back. For U.S. Tax purposes, Beam Dynamics, Inc. is not subject to backup withholding and will supply a Form W-9 upon request.
What payment methods are acceptable?
Beam Dynamics, Inc. will accept payment by official check, drawn on a U.S.-based bank branch, or electronically by wire transfer or ACH. Payments must be in U.S. dollars. Payment options and our account information are included with every invoice. Our mailing address is on the Contact link of this site.
What are current payment terms?
Payment terms will be advised upon quotation. Use of an Import Agent may alter the payment terms if not disclosed upon quotation.
Does Beam accept credit cards for payment?
Unfortunately, we do not accept credit cards at this time. Beam Dynamics, Inc. apologizes for any inconvenience.